Images of Amsterdam, Photography by Katherine Maguire

Art in Photography at Camera Aperture

The photographic site and galleries of Katherine Emma Maguire, offering tips on Photography and a collection of her most recent work produce using her Canon 5D Mark II/III cameras. A selection of her Photography is available for sale, so please visit the sales page.


  • photographic gallery of Amsterdams Parks

    Amsterdam Parks

  • Amsterdam photography featuring lines


  • photograpthy of Glasgow

    The green in the city of Glasgow

  • Amsterdam waterways gallery

    Surf the waterways in Amsterdam

Photographic Galleries

These online galleries represents my move from 35mm film photography into the world of digital photography. I have been creating images for over 25 years, my first camera was a Zenith TTL. My interest film photography continued with my next camera, a canon AE1 which I used to capture mainly Black and White images. In 2004 I moved into Digital photography when I upgraded to a canon 300D camera. The majority of the images in these galleries have been taken with either the 300D or 30D or 5D mark II. After 2 years of producing images in color, I am again producing Black and White images. Over the past 4 years I have many been creating HDR images with my Canon 5D II and laterly Canon 5D mark III


  • Amstel river photography

    Amsterdam's Amstel River

  • Black and white photography of Amsterdam

    Black and white of Amsterdam

  • birds photographic gallery photography

    Park Life in Amsterdam

  • Amsterdam waterways gallery

    Amsterdam stad (city)

Photographic Work

The images were captured during my time in Amsterdam and while traveling around Europe, mainly in Spain. I never travel far without my camera and it is my aperture on the world. Some of the galleries display my interest in digital artwork, were photographs are transformed into paintings or drawings using such tools as Photoshop.

Photographic Interests

My photographic interests include landscape, architecture, city scenes, night, still life, and abstract photography. I am always on the look out for that interesting shot. I hope you enjoy the images located within the galleries contained on this Photographic site. Please remember to bookmark Camera Aperture and visit often to view new work. Your comments about my site Camera Aperture or my Photography are always welcome, so please feel free to contact me

Each of these Photographic Galleries can viewed by clicking photos. Some of the photographic image displayed on Camera Aperture are available for sale at Sales

Thank you for your visit.

Katherine Emma Maguire